Pedagogical Model

Our program focuses on student learning and it is built on the continued development of its competencies.

 The student develops the social, emotional and intellectual areas through:

  • Collaborative work
  • Game learning
  • Learning scenarios
  • Experiments
  • Work by projects

The world is changing each day faster and faster and education can’t be left behind. Children born today can not be exposed to the same educational model that their parents had. The school has to be updated to prepare children for the challenges in the world.

Teachers need to be in constant training and renewed to educational improvements. Models must constantly be reviewed. What seems imperative today may be completely irrelevant in a couple of years. Schools need to renew themselves and become aware of what is happening around them. And this is what makes  Everest Kinder one of a kind.

With an international network of more than 150 schools present in 18 countries and with more than 60 years of experience in the field of education and continuous innovation, our team keeps up to date through the exchange of knowledge of our professionals around the world. In addition, we have an international network of universities and educational innovation research centers with professionals from all over the world who through academic studies and continuous visits ensure that our methodology continues to be constantly updated with the most modern and appropriate practices.